Self-learning algorithms plus human expertise
HR SIMPLEX – the perfect process – gives the digital opportunity to solve personnel issues within the shortest time possible in an accurate and budget-friendly way. The focus is on optimizing the recruitment process in terms of efficiency and costs. The HR SIMPLEX method combines, implements and condenses active and passive sourcing elements to achieve full market penetration. Based on expert knowledge, decades of experience and self-learning algorithms, the perfect process of HR SIMPLEX solves recruitment projects intelligently and efficiently.
AI Job Assistant / Digital Briefings
- Digital briefings via upload, supported by self-learning algorithms
- If desired, digital briefings can be accompanied by videocalls with our experienced project managers at our recruiting agency
- Reliable 100% transparency with the HR SIMPLEX web app throughout the entire perfect process
- Constant monitoring by our HR SIMPLEX project managers
Targeted Campaigns
- Same-day processing of your vacancies for perfect insertion on the market-leading job portals Stepstone, Indeed, Google for Jobs, etc.
- Significant increase of incoming applications through intelligent keyword targeting in job advertisements
- Straight forward management of your job vacancies via the real-time HR SIMPLEX web app
- First matching results after 72 hours achieved by active sourcing elements
Qualified preselection and administration
- HR SIMPLEX recruiters conducting initial telephone or video interviews
- Discreet outreach to candidates in relevant social networks, taking into account whitelists and blacklists
- Clear presentation of qualified candidates via the HR SIMPLEX web app
- All administrative processes handled by HR SIMPLEX
The final decision is yours
- All suitable candidates at a glance
- Opportunity to intervene the digital process at any time, to adjust the optimal course and to decide personally on the final choice for the vacancy
- Direct means to contact candidates personally via chat and mail functions in the HR SIMPLEX web app
Perfect Match
Learn more about
and all other HR SIMPLEX features